Member Control Panel
Providing Interest
First time login user will be prompted fill in their interests in order for the system to serve them better with personalization features.
Need Help?
Try our 'Getting Started Wizard' and 'Startup Journey Map' if you are new to MaGIC. The wizard will walk you through an interactive guide and help you identify your current stage in MaGIC Startup Stages, suggesting programs that you should join. While the Startup Journey Map will give you an overview to help you get started quickly.
Your Upcoming Activities
Upcoming events that you have registered for mentorship booking made as well as expiring application forms that you are filling up are all displayed here as reminder.
System Recommendation
Recommendations and highlights curated by various services and modules, base on user's personalization, are displayed here in card form.
Activity Feeds
This is where your past activities with MaGIC is shown.
Last updated