User Acceptance Test for tester
Member Control Panel
Experience Point
Redeemable Point
Electronic Know Your Customer
For Member
Membership, Cpanel
As a registered Central Member, I can enroll to Campus ID and acquire a Campus ID Membership code (e.g. 'P99999') for my individual profile upon successful enrollment.
Approved Individual EKYC is part of the requirements.
Terms and conditions will be displayed and I need to click Accept to proceed
I should acquire the membership ID instantly
As a registered Central Member, I can enroll to Campus ID and acquire a Campus ID Membership code (e.g. 'C88888') for my organization profile upon successful enrollment.
I can submit an application by providing information like (SSM Reg No, SSM Company Name, SSM Company Address, SSM copy of documentation) and have it processed manually
As a Campus ID member, I can go to Cpanel homepage and see my current XP and RP there
As a Campus ID member, I also can get to Campus ID Member page through Cpanel
My latest XP and RP
My Campus ID membership code
My Campus ID associated EKYC info like full name, MyKad
List of campus ID membership I have access to and able to switch in between them
List of events I participated which has allocated points
I can claim points from the event list
Points claimed are immediately debited into my Campus ID membership account
List of transaction of points
After EKYC myself, my profile in Cpanel is sync and locked from updating
As a visitor, I can browse the quest page
As a visitor, I can click each listed quest for more details
Is the title shown?
Is the oneliner shown below the title?
Is the description shown within the quest listing page?
Can you tell who posted the quest?
Can you tell who can take the quest? (organization, individual or both)
How many RP will be given?
How many XP are required?
Does the image within the quest listing shows up?
Does clicking the small image within the quest gives you a higher resolution image?
Quest should only be displayed within the start and end date. Not before or after.
As a CampusID member, I can take a quest
I am redirected to a new page with confirmation window
The confirmation window tells me the number of RP I will earn from this quest
The confirmation window tells me my current RP count
I can click either "OK" or "Cancel" to exit the dialog
The transaction is recorded correctly in the CPanel (RP and XP earned)
As a CampusID organization member, I can put up a quest (becomes a quest provider)
As a quest provider, I can click "Manage Quest" at CPanel to manage my quest
As a quest provider, I can click "Edit Quest" at CPanel to update my quest
As a quest provider, I can see all the quest I've provided along with the status of the quest
As visitors, I can browse the perks home page
As visitors, I can click into each of the perk listed here for more details
Shows title
From who?
Tells who can redeem it (organization or individual or both)
How many RP required to redeem this
Minimal qualified XP required to redeem this
Perk is only displayed within the set start and end date
As Campus ID member, I can redeem a perk
I can include a note to perk provider along with my submission
My RP will be deducted and transferred to the perks provider i redeemed from
For perks that are limited to 1 usage per user, I should not be able to submit it twice unless the previous submission is marked 'cancel' or 'rejected'.
For Admin
As admin, I can see
Manage Campus
menu item in backend underservices
As admin, I can view a list of campus member
As admin, I can allocate points to an event
I can choose to give to the individual or organization participants
For individual, I can give to those with attendance only using role code 'isAttended'
For organization, I can give to those selected participants by using role code 'selectedParticipant'
I can see a list of qualified individuals or organizations and they had made the claim or not
I understand I cant simply change the points when there already a claim being made out of the entire listAs admin, I can allocate points to an event
As admin, I can manage transactions
I can add points to a member
I can reduct points from a member
I should not be able to edit allocated points. To adjust, i just need to add another new transaction.
I should not be able to delete a transaction
I can view the detail of a specific transaction
As admin, I can manage perks
I can add perk
I can edit perk
I can deactivate a perk
Last updated
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