ATAS for User

Apply your Application

First, need to select your company

Perform Apply for your application

Once User has select company, User can proceed to the "Apply" button to submit the application form

Fill up all the necessary information in Application Form. Save draft if want to review back the application or submit if already completed the form.

Programme Owner will do the screening after User has submitted their application. If everything is good, the Status will be updated to PreArrival. Otherwise it will change to Rejected . For PreArrival status, User need to complete and submit the PreArrival form by click the Create button.

Fill up all the necessary information in PreArrival Form. Save draft if want to review back the application or submit if already completed the form.

Programme Owner will do the checking and Accepted the PreArrival submission if they have satisfied the information. Later the status will changed to InProgram . Once the status has changed, User able to see the Milestone and Claim button (depend on the availability for that Cohort)

Last updated